hays paddock adventure playground, east kew

If its adventure they want, ADVENTURE they get. This fantastic adventure playground in East Kew caters for everyone, of all ages and capabilities. Both mental and physical. The space is huge and enclosed and there are areas for running, swinging (inc disabled swings), sliding, climbing, jumping and discovering. There are also rest hammocks and benches to sit for a spell after some serious play.  

The area has some shade (over the sandpit) and has tree shade in parts as well. Dotted around the park are educational signs and pictures - so keep an eye out. Toilets are just outside the playground at the sports pavilion. Mamma just LOVES this park and worth spending a good amount of time here so pack your lunch and choose your own adventure!

Mamma's special mention: Need a cake? You HAVE to see the options from Frank and Harri. You can order a full cake or get a variety of little ones!

the nitty gritty

enclosed - some shade - free parking - toilets nearby - disabled swings - soft fall in parts - picnic benches - bbq

Leason Street,  East Kew