parties at the art factory, glen iris

Want a BRIGHT, FUN and CREATIVE party where you can create your own masterpiece with your friends?

The Art Factory is the party venue for you!

The talented staff will fully customize the creation, so it is the perfect party for your little one. They can take care of all the catering so mums and dads can enjoy the party too!

There’s a fantastic range of activities to inspire boys and girls from 4 years of age through to some sophisticated crafts for teens. Your guests will all have fun creating a masterpiece that they will be thrilled to take home at the end of the party. Parties are hosted by an enthusiastic team of party hosts who are passionate about art and love working with kids.

Not only can you party in Glen Iris, but The Art Factory also have venues in Brighton, Essendon and Balwyn.

Facebook - HERE
Instagram - HERE

the nitty gritty

Minimum of 12 kids
Catering options available
BYO food available

1475 Malvern Road, Glen Iris, 3146